

On the 8th of February 2019, in Villata (VC) in via M. Barbero n° 12, the following people met to form a cultural association:

Bertani Mattia, born in Vercelli on 18 November 1981, tax code BRT MTT 81S18 L750G
resident in Villata 13010 (VC), via Barbero n°12.

Giannicolo Davide, born in Novara, on 17 February 1982, tax code GNN DVD 82B17 F952J
resident in Garbagna Novarese 28070 (NO), via C. Colombo n°25.

Miorin Davide, born in Como, on 4 September 1979, tax code MRN DVD 79P04 C933M
resident in Malnate 21046 (VA), via Aldo Moro n°11.

Pizzocolo Altea, born in Brescia, on 8 July 1997, cf. PZZ LTA 97L48 B157Y
resident in Losine 25050 (BS), via Valle n°16.

Messina Giorgio, born in Vercelli, on 1 May 1991, tax code MSS GRG 91E01 L750D
residing in Vercelli 13100 (VC), vicolo San Vittore n°5.

Roccio Filippo, born in Magenta (MI), on 30 May 1988, tax code RCC FPP 88E30 E801X
resident in Cerano (NO), in via Mulino Vecchio n°155.

Those present call Mr. Bertani Mattia to chair the meeting, who in turn appoints Mr. Miorin Davide as Secretary. The President explains the reasons that prompted those present to promote the constitution of the association and reads the Statute which, after extensive discussion, was put to the vote and unanimously approved. The Statute transposing the recent regulatory provisions, indicating in particular that membership of the association is free, that its functioning is based on the democratically expressed will of the members, that the corporate offices are elective and that any profit-making purpose is absolutely excluded.
I presently also resolve that the association be called "Special Stages Car Club", with headquarters in the municipality of Villata 13010, in via Barbero No. 12 and appoint the following gentlemen as members of the Board of Directors:

Bertani Mattia CHAIRMAN who signs for acceptance

Giannicolo Davide VICE-PRESIDENT who signs for acceptance

Miorin Davide SECRETARY who signs for acceptance

Pizzocolo Altea COUNCILOR who signs for acceptance

Messina Giorgio COUNCILOR who signs for acceptance

Roccio Filippo DIRECTOR who signs for acceptance

Since there is nothing else to decide on, the Chairman dissolves the meeting.


Art.1-Name and Headquarters
The “Prove Speciali Car Club” is set up. Since the association is not recognized, it is governed by articles 36 and following of the civil code. The association is based in VILLATA (VC), in via Barbero n° 12.

The association was created in order to carry out activities of social utility in favor of members or third parties, on a non-profit basis and in full respect of the freedom and dignity of the members.
The purpose of the association is the dissemination and promotion of sports tourism activities related to the automotive world and similar. Educational activities related to motor sports are also carried out, such as knowledge of the use of roadbooks, etc.
It operates for sporting, recreational and cultural purposes for the exclusive satisfaction of collective interests.

Art.3-Equity and Income
The company's assets consist of the contributions paid by the members upon incorporation or subsequent membership and by what they may possess in the future, as well as any reserve funds established with any budget surpluses or any donations from associations and third parties, as well as any subscriptions.

Art.4-Social Year
The financial year closes on December 31 of each year. The Board of Directors disposes of the budget (or the report) which must be submitted to the approval of the assembly within the first six months from the end of the financial year. It is absolutely forbidden by the Association to distribute, even indirectly, profits or operating surpluses, as well as funds, reserves or capital during the life of the Association. Any management progress will be used for the realization of the institutional purposes.

Art.5-Application for admission
Applications for admission are examined and approved or rejected by the Board of Directors. The admitted applicant undertakes to observe this Statute, the rules referred to by it, the Internal Regulations and the provisions of the Board of Directors. He must also undertake to pay the annual membership fee established by the Board of Directors each year.

Art.6-Forfeiture of Members
Membership status is lost for
a- Resignation.
b- Non-payment of the annual membership fee.
c- Loss of admission requirements.
d- Radiation in the event of serious infringements of statutory provisions and behavior contrary to the law, in any case detrimental to social interests.
The membership fee or contribution is non-transferable and non-returnable, without any exception.

Art.7-Shareholders' Meeting
The general assembly is made up of all members. The meeting is called by the Board of Directors and is convened by the president, by posting a notice in the headquarters of the association at least eight days before the fixed date. The assembly can be ordinary and/or extraordinary. The ordinary shareholders' meeting is called at least once a year within six months of the close of the financial year, in which the various points will have to be discussed:
a- Deliberate on the final account accompanied by the report prepared by the president.
b- Deliberate on the general progress of the association's activity.
c- Deliberate on the amount of the membership fee and any extraordinary fees.
d- On any other topic of particular interest, seriousness or urgency on the agenda.
e-Every three years to elect the president, the board of directors and any other administrative body
The extraordinary meeting is called following a written and motivated request made by half plus one of the members of the Board of Directors, or by half plus one of the members and must be convened within thirty days of the members' request. The extraordinary shareholders' meeting resolves:
a- On the proposals to amend the Articles of Association and/or Internal Regulations.
b- On any other topic of particular interest, seriousness and urgency on the agenda.
c- On the dissolution of the Association and on the method of liquidation.
All members up to date with the payment of the fee, for whom the single vote principle exists, may take part in the ordinary and extraordinary assemblies of the Association. Each member may represent no more than two members at the meeting, by means of a written proxy.

Art.8-Corporate offices
Those who intend to be elected or re-elected to corporate positions must present their candidacy at least thirty days before the date set for the meeting to be held by written communication to the current president. In order to apply, the following requirements are required:
Be active members of the association.
Actively contributed to the organization of the Association's activities.
Do not hold social positions in other associations.
In order to be a candidate for the office of president, it is also necessary to have been a member of the Board of Directors in the previous three years and to have the unanimous approval of the Founding Members.

Art.9-Directive Council
The Board of Directors is made up of a maximum of six elements and within its ambit it appoints the president, the vice president, the secretary with treasurer functions and three advisers. All social positions are understood to be free of charge. The Board of Directors remains in office for three years and its members can be re-elected; resolutions must be adopted with the majority. In the event of a tie, the vote of the president will prevail. The Board of Directors is validly constituted with the presence of the majority of the directors in office and validly deliberates with the majority vote of those present.
In order for the resolutions of the Board to be valid, they must be recorded in minutes signed by the person who presided over the meeting and by the secretary. The same must be made available to all members with the formalities deemed most suitable by the board of directors to ensure maximum dissemination. In the event that one or more directors should be absent during the course of the financial year for any reason, the remaining ones will call the shareholders' meeting. In the Board of Directors he will have to be considered dissolved and no longer in office if the majority of his members is lost due to resignation or any other cause.

Art.10-President, Vice President, Secretary
The president, by delegation of the Board of Directors, directs the association and is its legal representative in any eventuality. It will be able to validly represent it in all deeds, contracts, judgments, as well as in all relationships with institutions, companies, public or private institutions. In the event of the president's absence or temporary impediment, the vice president will be able to act as deputy in those duties expressly delegated by the same. The secretary implements the resolutions, draws up the minutes of the meetings, attends to the correspondence and as treasurer takes care of the administration of the association and is responsible for keeping the accounting books as well as the collection of payments to be made with the authorization of the Board of Directors.

Art.11-The report
The Governing Council draws up the budget of the association, both preventive and final, to be submitted to the approval of the members' assembly. The final balance must inform about the overall economic-financial situation of the Association. The financial statements must be drawn up clearly and must truthfully and correctly represent the financial situation of the association, in compliance with transparency towards the members.

Art.12-Duration, Dissolution
The duration of the Association is unlimited. The dissolution of the Association is decided by the shareholders' meeting, convened in an extraordinary session by the Board of Directors and is validly constituted with the presence of at least 4/5 of the members entitled to vote, with the exclusion of proxies.

This Statute is made up of 12 (twelve) articles and enters into force immediately.


President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer

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