Photo and Media Release: Special Stages Car Club and its partners

Special Stages Car Club, with registered office in Via Barbero 12, Villata, 13010, IT, organizes dynamic automotive events throughout Italy and Europe, hereinafter "SSCC Event".

Participants in the Event or SSCC give Special Stages Car Club the consent to use photos and videos "Images" of their person and vehicles (including license plate) made during the SSCC Event for activities of:

  • Internal communications and publications (for example, on e-commerce and media channels);
  • External communications and publications (for example, for partner corporate events, reports, on corporate social channels (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Tik Tok) and Special Stages or Partner websites, flyers, advertising banners.

The participant:

  • Transfers to Special Stages Car Club, free of charge and for an unlimited period of time until the revocation of this consent, without prejudice to any obligations deriving from the applicable laws, any and all right to the economic and non-economic exploitation of the Images and to use, in any form, version and support, paper, electronic, IT and/or digital;
  • You waive any and all right to review and approve any material and/or content, in any form, that will be produced using (in any way) the Images, even following modifications and re-elaborations, to the extent that they do not affect the personal dignity, honour, decorum and safety of the participant;
  • You acknowledge and agree that Special Stages Car Club may assign the aforementioned rights to use the Images to other Special Stages Car Club Partners without seeking further consent;
  • Waiver of any right to make claims and/or to promote and/or participate in any dispute regarding the preceding points, also in relation to the payment of any compensation and/or indemnity for any reason.
  • In the context of the SSCC Event, the participants also indemnify Special Stages Car Club and its partners, from any liability for direct and/or indirect damages deriving from and/or connected to the relative activities, also caused to third parties.