Lake Shore Drive 2024

2024 Lake Shore Drive

Mattia Bertani

2024 edition of the Lake Shore Drive, our fixed appointment for the month of May which reaches its fifth official edition (plus the two unofficial ones during the Covid period). As always, the event takes place on a route divided between the Piedmontese valleys around Lake Orta and Lake Maggiore and which, like last year, presents a program spread over two days: on Saturday with an event dedicated to Soci Orange, characterized by a shortened route and final dinner, and on Sunday with a 215 km tour that crosses four provinces!

Unfortunately, this year too we have to deal with the weather, which continues to be the case but which, surprisingly, seems to give us an acceptable day at the last moment.


The meeting is in the afternoon in Borgomanero (NO) on a day that promised to be rainy, fortunately when it was time to leave the situation seemed to improve. In fact, the meeting takes place under a gray sky with a bit of drizzle, but the clouds move towards the east, leaving a clear sky to the west, the direction towards which we are heading. We cross Borgomanero and then move towards San Maurizio d'Opaglio and continue on the SP46 to face the Colma di Civiasco climbing from the east. The sun is out, but the road surface is very wet, with many puddles on flat spots due to the recent disturbance.

We go down towards Varallo, where we stop waiting for some other member who will join us directly in the elegant and characteristic center of the city, which we are allowed to occupy for a few minutes.

We set off again to "try" a road we have never traveled before, a type of road that we usually avoid at official events, as it takes us to the bottom of a valley which forces us to retrace it backwards. But today we are few and we can afford to go up along the Val Mastallone towards Fobello. The road is fantastic, recently repaved with a roadway wide enough to have fun safely, it passes through a few villages and has little traffic.

Once we arrive in Fobello, we stop for some photos and a chat. It is a small village in the Alps, almost insignificant, but which was the birthplace of one of the most important figures in the history of the automobile: Vincenzo Lancia. The Lancia family originates from Fobello where there is the family tomb and, obviously, it is here that Vincenzo is also buried.

As enthusiasts, we are sorry not to see this place and the history linked to its most famous inhabitants valorised; although it is true that brand rallies take place every year, it remains a niche activity in an already niche environment.

We set off again to return to the main valley and go up the Valsesia towards Scopello. The road is smooth when there is little traffic, it is not steep and has many straights that allow you to overtake safely. As we approach Scopello, the weather worsens and dark clouds envelop the mountains towards which we are headed. Going up from Scopello in the direction of Alpe di Mera, a few drops begin to fall. The road is quite steep and wide, but the road surface is in poor condition up to the Trogo car park. From here, the last 2 and a half kilometers are on a narrower but in good condition road, recently built (until about twenty years ago, Mera could only be reached by off-road vehicle or chairlift).

Once we reach the top, we park the cars just as the rain intensifies and forces us to run towards the Piero Bar Restaurant for dinner, always satisfying and at a more than honest price. A highly recommended place also for the stupendous view of Monterosa, which we were supposed to see at sunset, but unfortunately covered by clouds on this gloomy Saturday evening.


As in 2022, the meeting point is at 9.30 in Verbania, at the Il Maggiore event center. 75 cars arrive, occupying all the parking reserved for participants, with a wide variety of vehicle types: from small hot-hatches to supercars. The weather doesn't seem promising, a little cloudy but, at least for the moment, it doesn't predict rain. This is followed by the usual registration of participants and breakfast, served by the Beach Arena bar on the beautiful panoramic terrace overlooking Lake Maggiore.

Around 11:00, after the usual briefing with all the information and recommendations to the participants, we set off for the first part of this latest Tour branded Special Stages. The first part of the Tour includes a transfer south on the busy roads along Lake Maggiore towards Stresa. Here, the digital route differs from that of the paper roadbook, because Google reports traffic when crossing the towns of Baveno, Campino, Somero and Levo, suggesting to many participants to take a stretch of motorway. Not bad, this stretch is not particularly interesting, and still joins Gignese, where the first guided stretch begins which passes south of the Mottarone towards Orta.

A fast road, a little narrow, in good condition and with little traffic that reaches Armeno. From here we continue a short transfer stretch going down towards Orta and then along the lakeside up to Gozzano, where we inevitably find more traffic. Here begins the SP76, known as Cremosina, a perfectly asphalted road with a rather wide road surface that allows safe driving, but where you need to pay attention to the frequent presence of police checks.

Once we reach Borgosesia, we resume a transfer stretch to move towards the province of Biella along the SP71 up to Ponzone and then Mosso Santa Maria. From here, the route becomes very tortuous, tackling typical rally roads, and in fact we travel along some of the roads of the famous Lana Rally. Curvy roads through the woods and small towns until you reach Andorno Micca.

A final transfer stretch along the SP100 then takes us to the SP115, better known as Panoramica Zegna! An exciting road that climbs with a fairly fast route towards Bielmonte, offering a unique panorama of the Po Valley. The road surface is wide enough to allow safe driving, but unfortunately the road surface has been worsening in recent years.

Here too we encounter little traffic until we finally arrive in Bielmonte, where we stop at the Bar della Panoramica for lunch. We park the cars, which arrive somewhat staggered, while the sky becomes darker and a few drops of rain begin to fall. The participants sit at the tables inside and outside the venue which, given the not exactly beautiful day, is a little empty, an advantage for us who can enjoy the large buffet prepared for Special Stages.

Around 2.30pm we are ready to leave. Having started the engines, we descend from Bielmonte on the east side. The descent has a road with a narrower carriageway, but in better condition. Once in Trivero, we take the SP113, once again without traffic, a road full of curves that passes through small towns up to Coggiola.

Here we make another transfer stretch to reach Borgosesia, traveling back along the SP71 again, and then going up the Valsesia along the SP299 up to Varallo, where we have planned, as per tradition, a stop in the beautiful historic centre.

This is a short break to regroup the participants and take some photos before leaving for the last stage which will take us to Mottarone. This last stage is a tradition in all editions of the Lake Shore Drive, and sees us starting from Varallo and arriving at Mottarone, always passing through Colma di Civiasco. A fast road with a varied pace, with asphalt in excellent condition up to the top, an infinite succession of curves, the scene of many rallies and uphill races. The descent towards Lake Orta is not in excellent condition: the asphalt is a bit bumpy and dirty, but it remains super exciting.

Once in the valley, we continue north along the SP46, which continues on the SP229 along Lake Orta on the opposite side up to Orta San Giulio to go back up towards Armeno. From here the last climb begins, with very little traffic on a road in excellent condition that climbs towards Mottarone. The first part is a bit narrow and tortuous, in a dense forest which opens up as you go up offering a stupendous panorama, the route becomes wider and faster until you reach the top, where we find many other enthusiasts waiting for us, knowing of our arrival.

This edition of the Lake Shore Drive ends here, as per tradition, at the top of Mottarone, with the usual party with music at the Bar Alp. The sun accompanies us in this last part of the day, descending towards the horizon and with the participants satisfied once again with this fantastic event.

We thank the structures that hosted us, the municipality of Varallo for their availability, da0a100 of Riccardo Trezzani, official sponsor of the event, but above all all our members who allow us to continue organizing the Special Stages events!


Click HERE to see all the photos from the event!

Click HERE to see photos from past events.

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